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The Self-Care Phenomenon

The word Self-care seems to be a 2020 buzz word like no other. These days, I wonder if we know what it feels like to care for ourselves.

Yes, it’s a good mani or Pedi, maybe a massage or a new handbag; it can even be an adjustment at the chiropractor (that’s all me), but as our bodies are primed and prodded for relaxation, what about our minds? What thoughts are we feeding ourselves?

Are we lying on that massage table or sitting in that pedicure chair, making a to-do list in our heads? Are we rehashing the argument we had earlier? Do we think about the next ten pounds we need to lose to look perfect in that outfit? Are we re-living that terrible experience with our ex?

What if we took self-care to another level and not only cared for our bodies but took the same time and dedication to care for our minds? What if we scheduled a therapy session to unpack the stuff we have been carrying around in the baggage we call life? What if we journaled ? What if we picked up a book or turned off the tv and went for a drive? What if we took the time to see that self-care is not selfish, it’s not a halfway process. It’s a total body and mind experience.

For me self care is being “self-full” (made-up word, but you get me) its being so full of taking care of ME that at the end of it, I have a sense of freedom, my mind feels light, my soul is happy, and I can’t wait to do it again. Try it. You won’t regret it!

Be Inspired!

(Photo By: @paradiseseeker1)


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