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Living With Intention

This is my first post of 2022, and can I just say what seemed like a hiatus on the outside was definitely not a hiatus on the inside. I have more content than I even know what to do with at this point, yet I still decided to write a fresh piece for today. Let me also add that it's 4 am as I type this, and here I am in front of my screen because sleep has escaped me, and somehow I find solace between the lines.

Let's get into this, shall we? So, I don't ascribe to the whole New Year's Resolution idea because it's just too much pressure, but I do typically set personal and business goals. However, this year, I have changed my mentality and made a list of Intentions for 2022 instead. This year already has me in a state of movement, and it's at a pace that I am comfortable with.

You see, I am learning that there is still progress even when we are moving slower than those around us. I enjoy the ease of a steady pace because it allows me to enjoy my surroundings while accomplishing what I set out to do. The steady pace also allows me to be intentional.

You may remember me mentioning that being intentional is something I felt urged to focus on this year. It's not to say that my motivation of being still has passed; it just means that my stillness has progressed to incorporate bursts of movement, as long as it's done with intention.

You may ask what it means to be intentional, and one thing I do know is that it will be something different to everyone because we all walk through this life encased in a myriad of experiences. That's what I love about us humans; we can all be walking in the same direction but have a completely different experience as we do it.

Intentionality is to be deliberate with my day, and I set out to accomplish something every day, even if it's something as simple as taking the time to stretch and breathe deeply. It also means I am purposeful with my time or at least try to be because some days, one episode on Netflix turns into an entire series, but I am a work in progress.

Being purposeful with my time is also important because I never get to live any moment twice, so paying attention to what I do in each one ensures I am using what I have been gifted wisely (because time is a gift, not a right).

And lastly, because I am who I am, being intentional also includes being mindful of my most important relationships. It's the random messages to tell someone they crossed my mind or putting my phone on silent during a visit, and it's the unexpected moments where I am deliberate in reaching out to the people who have taken up residence in my heart space. This type of intentionality is not for the faint of heart because it requires work. It's also not for reciprocation but rather as a means of maintaining connection and understanding that it can literally change the trajectory of someone's day. Hence, I rarely respond to group chats for those who have added me. The "group" part takes away from the intentionality of a one-on-one message.

Perhaps at the foundation of being intentional is the deliberate nature behind what we do and for whom we do it. It's literally the "just because I care," and I am here for all of those feelings.

I could go on, but honestly, my brain and body desperately just want to rest. But I want to remind us of something before I sign off. During this time of what seems to be a never-ending state of busyness, I want you to make an effort to be more intentional with the 24-hours you have in your day.

Make time for yourself because self-care is paramount, but also, make time for the people who occupy your heart space. If they are important to you, tell them, and if you think, " I don't have to, they already know," do me a favour and be intentional and tell them anyway.

Be Inspired!


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