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It's About Time You Remember!

KNOW YOUR WORTH is a phrase that is not new to any of us, and while I embrace it with enthusiasm, I have concluded that there is a missing link. Rarely are we told to Remember Your Worth.

The loose definition of knowing is to have an understanding of someone or something. On the other hand, remembering brings things or people to the forefront of our minds.

When I look at the above definitions, I come to this revelation. I know my many passwords, but I don't always remember them. It takes a moment to recall, depending on the frequency they are used or the app I am signing into. And maybe it's just me, but sometimes I forget my worth, just like I do those passwords. So I need to ask myself why and perhaps you must do the same.

...while I am trying to be the main character in other people's lives, I am merely playing an extra in mine.

Let's first recognize that at some point, we have all placed our worth in someone else's hands, giving them power over us. A simple action or inaction can turn our life upside down, resulting in questions and a myriad of uncertainty. I have also realized that even when we handle our worth, if we fail to focus on the grip, we can sometimes allow old pain and doubt to seep through our fingers, causing us to fumble the proverbial ball. No one is immune.

For me, it's often a circumstance or series of events that place me in that period of forgetfulness and as much as I try to recall the memory of the "me" I know I am capable of being, I draw an absolute blank. Instantly seeds of doubt are planted, and recovering my rightful place of worthiness seems unattainable. But one thing about me, and you too, we're going to find a solution to this madness.

I have these bright pink sticky notes around my apartment that remind me to do good things for my mind, body and soul. I have one that reminds me to "move" because I tend to get locked into tasks, and I forget to move my body, and my Chiropractor always notices.

I have another one that reminds me to "Pray, don't overthink" because, surprise, I'm an overthinker, and it wreaks havoc on my sleep and mood. Another reminds me that "I am doing my best" because I am the grim reaper of being hard on myself.

But most importantly, the note I look at numerous times a day is the one that reminds me to "never lose myself again." This one reminds me that while I am trying to be the main character in other people's lives, I am merely playing an extra in mine, and that's not ok! This is where I need to shift the most, find the strength to switch roles and focus on the importance of being the star in my life.

For those of us who are in a season of change, please remember you have put in a lot of time, tears and journal entries discovering and redefining who you are and as simple as these may seem, we need to pay close attention to the art of remembering our worth. Let's face it some of us are familiarizing ourselves with the areas that require an enhanced level of nurturing and gentleness. We all need daily reminders and grace, and I evidently need bright pink sticky notes to bring it all to fruition!

I received the image for today's blog from someone who forced me to remember my worth. And it's so fitting because, to me, the idea of watering oneself is to acknowledge and remember who we are and ensure we nurture ourselves with kindness and care and do it consistently. What's interesting about the image is that I didn't know I needed the reminder until he sent it, so this shows how essential it is to have people in our lives who can speak or send a word to remind us when we have a lapse of memory.

So, my friends, I say this as a reminder to all that whether we are in the beginning, middle or end of whatever situation we find ourselves in, or wherever we are along our journey, one thing rings very true. As much as we need to know our worth, we must remember it consistently and intentionally.

Be Inspired!

(Image by: @ambrojah)


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