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It's A Celebration!

I've received the challenging task of celebrating myself. It's funny; it's one of the hardest

things to do when you don't want to come across as boastful. Maybe it's cultural or personal, but what I do know is that it's a difficult task for me and maybe for you. So, I tackled this the best way I knew how. I sat down, had a long and honest conversation with myself, and realized a few things that rang true.

My failure to celebrate myself is failure to recognize God for how he created me entirely, gifts, talents and everything combined. That conversation also led me to pick up an old journal to be reminded of where I was, compared to where I am. Mentally, physically and spiritually. That conversation and careful reflection sealed the deal. I had to take the time to pause and pat myself on the back, hug myself and exhale as if I had been holding my breath for years.

I think everyone's a-ha moment will be different, but what will be the same is the requirement for us to be honest and open to converse with ourselves successfully.

For clarification, this doesn't mean that it means nothing when others celebrate me because it really does. I am the first to admit that there is something extraordinary when "I'm proud of you" comes from someone who has occupancy in our heart space. Still, it's the eye-opening moment when we can confidently, see, feel and embrace the reasons to celebrate ourselves.

There's this video of rapper Snoop Dogg giving his acceptance speech when he received his Hollywood Walk of Fame Star in 2018. His speech went a little like this.

"I want to thank me for believing in me. I want to thank me for doing all of this hard work, I want to thank me for having no days off, I want to thank me for never quitting, I want to thank me for always being a giver and giving more than I receive. I want to thank me for trying to do more right than wrong. I want to thank me for being me at all times."

And some may have found humour in that because you can hear people chuckling in the

background and others may have seen him as being prideful or boastful, but maybe it's because we spend so much time giving credit for accomplishments to others while downplaying our participation in so many areas of our successes.

Maybe we need to step up like Snoop did and dare to celebrate ourselves privately, but most importantly publically. So I, too, want to take this moment to thank me, and I want you to thank yourself too for your hard work, discipline, dedication and for leaping over the hurdles and coming out on the other side better.

From now on, I intend to celebrate the people in my life with enthusiasm and use that same energy when celebrating myself.

Oh, and while you're at it, purchase a copy of my book Soul Talks: 52-Weeks Of Inspiration

Happy Black History Year, and don't forget, Be Inspired!


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