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Introverted Travels

I cna't swim but it's a swim out!
Diamond Club - Room with a view

I have been more off than on lately when it comes to blogging, and the more I say I will do better, the more it doesn't happen, and to be honest, I'm not going to be hard on myself over this. I had just had too much and not enough to write about. But rest assured, fellow readers, I am bringing a little series to you over the next few days and weeks—The Inspired Introvert Travels.

After a long hiatus from the solo travel bug, thanks to COVID-19, I have dusted off my passport and hopped on a plane after nearly four years. Can I start by saying that Pearson Airport has changed drastically? The TSA workers are still rude and act like you're bothering them, but outside of that, I felt like a fish out of water. I made it, and I'm enjoying a little respite in sunny Grenada.

So I wasn't sure where to go on my first trip, and Grenada made sense for various reasons, but mostly, it's familiar, safe and one of the most beautiful and lush islands God has created. And, hey, don't go rushing to my little gem and making it too over-saturated with tourists. I'm joking, but I'm not.

First, Regina Labog from hooked your girl up, making up for every trip I didn't go on over the last four years. I work hard, and in this season of my life, I will play hard and do all the things I have been holding back on, which include a touch of Luxury now and again. I will take you on this trip with me because if you ever have the opportunity to visit the Spice Isle, I highly recommend it despite my previous comment.

Ok, let me give you a brief overview to set the stage.

Air Canada was splendid and did direct flights starting in November twice weekly. During the off-season, most flights connect, and you spend the whole day in transit, so I recommend visiting between November and April.

I'm not a tiny person; your girl has hips and butt, lol, so the business class is the way I flew, but given the fleet used and what other similar-sized passengers were saying, the economy was comfy aboard the Boeing 787 Max. It was a bonus the flight was only half-full this early in the season.

There were a couple of folks who, despite it being 10 am, drank their way from the gloom of Ontario to the sunny skies of Grenada and were still upright at the end of the flight. How they did it, I do not know, but I am praying for their livers.

What else can I say? Airplane food is hospital food on prettier plates with well-dressed servers, in my opinion. It's disgusting, so I took two Gravol, zipped up my hoodie, covered my head and slept most of the five-and-a-half-hour flight. I was thankful the gentleman beside me was not chatty; he squeezed his over 6'6 frame into the seat and put his earphones on as people searched hopelessly for their hearts. Hats off to him; he was the epitome of unbothered.

And can I ask a question? When the plane stops, and the little seatbelt sign is turned off, why does everyone make a mad dash to grab their bags only to stand in the aisle for close to 15 minutes, breathing on one another? I mean, sit down; no one is going anywhere.

Anyway, Maurice Bishop Airport is small but mighty regarding efficiency. They operate like a well-oiled machine, much better than some of their larger counterparts. The Royalton Resort Grenada is a quick drive from the airport, less than eight minutes, closer to 5, and the staff is eager to be of service. From arrival to sitting in the comfort of my room, it was a quick 10 minutes, and I could make myself home in this lovely abode.

So that's a quick shakedown. I don't have an itinerary for my time here, just warm breezes, waves and lots of sunshine on my side, so that means the blogs will be random, and frankly, I wouldn't be me if they weren't.

One last thing. I want the image above to be my forever view to write. I don't think that's asking for too much, do you?

So, as always, Be Inspired!

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Nov 28, 2023

She’s back .. and she’s living like OPRAH , as she should ❤️


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