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Are you Really in Control?

“I’ve learned that when you try to control everything you enjoy nothing." - Unknown

It’s been a very long while since I have posted a blog, not for lack of something to say, but life has gotten busy, and

I have far too many ideas floating in my head. Today I stumbled across a thought that, you guessed it, stuck in my head, and I had to give it both time and space to come to fruition.

The analytical being in me likes to research before a purchase. I want to read the reviews, know the dimensions and get a feel for something before purchasing.

Before a vacation, the analytical in me will google said location, search for restaurants and everything within walking distance. I will go as far as dropping the little yellow person in Google maps and do a walking tour of the area to “familiarize” myself with my unknown location.

This whole process is not only time-consuming and reduces the element of surprise when vacationing, but it is maddening. I am basically the puppeteer pulling the many strings to try my hardest to create the perfect vacation before going on vacation.

In transparency, I have a slight problem with control, but these days, I try very hard not to go overboard with my research (because it’s necessary for some instances) but instead have learned how to take a deep breath and let things flow as they are meant to flow. So far, so good.

I say all of this because most of you and I are currently in a season of unknowns. Especially amid the pandemic, none of us knows what will occur next, and we can either drive ourselves crazy predicting and surmising or go with the flow and see what happens and live our lives along the way.

As an aside, do you think we attempt to control everything in our lives to counteract the disappointments we have experienced in our lives? Just a little something to ponder.

I am currently in a season of unknowns in every area. I am doing things one day at a time and taking each one as it comes and letting the wind take me in whatever direction it decides it wants to go. Although I want certain things to work out in a specific way, I’m not forcing them and am letting everything work out on its own. There is no longer a feeling of wanting to control things and situations because I realize the whole act of trying to control the uncontrollable is not only exhausting, but it tends to suck the joy out of life and takes away from the entire process.

I am deliberately trying not to live for the weekends, and if I want to make a mini road trip in the middle of the week, I do it versus waiting for Saturday morning. And the only thing I Google is where I can drive in under two hours. It’s so refreshing.

“There is a boldness that emerges from a season of unknowns that makes it all worth it.” - Unknown

I wish I could explain the feeling to you when I say there is freedom in not feeling bound by trying to control the things and situations around me. And it’s not that I don’t care about what happens; it’s actually the opposite. I care enough to step aside to give time and space to the things that are meant to be.

I had mentioned it before when I said we need to get out of our way and stop sabotaging our progress. Us trying to control every facet of our lives is the very thing that is stopping us from progressing. Being stuck in what didn’t happen prevents us from realizing that the closed-door made space for new opportunities. The failed relationship made space for the person who should be there. The wrong turn leads to a new adventure. The possibilities are endless if we give up some of that control.

I am also actively trying to remove the phrase “What if” when stepping outside my comfort zone. Those two words can quickly transform confidence into paralyzing fear. It can talk you out of walking in your purpose and with the amount of grey hair I have these days (there are so many of them!) I don’t want to “what if” the rest of my life away. I want to speak concrete and strong statements into everything I do and do it because, let’s face it, life is too short to live with a “what if” state of mind.

It shouldn't be a shock to us, but we weren't in control as much as we think we are, so save yourself some time, let go of the strings you have firmly gripped in your hands, and let life happen. And if you must control something, stop sabotaging parts of your life by uttering the destructive "what if" and instead step out in boldness and do life on purpose.

Be Inspired!

(Photo courtesy of Unsplash)

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