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If Not Now, When?

Happy 2021, Everyone! I'm not into resolutions, so we are not venturing down that slippery slope of broken promises. But I am into reflection and careful contemplation, and lately, I have been giving the following much thought.

Let me be transparent and say that the words you are about to read echo familiarity, almost as if I have penned them before, so if I have, please forgive me in advance while also recognizing this must be something that needs to be said. I wonder how much more fulfilled we would be if we danced to the beat of our soundtrack rather than swayed to the melody of someone else?

So many of us are merely surviving. We go through the ebbs and flows of life and refuse to make waves, leaving us to dwell in an ocean of unfulfillment as our comfort.

What if we stopped putting restrictions on love and just went into it head-first with reckless abandon? It could be removing the timestamp on what we 'should' feel and when. What if we placed a label on the relationship far sooner than deemed socially acceptable?

What if we wore our hearts on our sleeves and allowed our vulnerability to come to the forefront? What if we said how we feel the moment we think it? What if we made the first move and allowed ourselves to love harder than we ever imagined?

How much more alive would we feel if we ate the pastry and didn't think about the associated calories? What if we bought the costly luxury item? What if we just lived in the moment with open arms waiting to accept the things, feelings, and people lined up to greet us?

So many of us are merely surviving. We go through the ebbs and flows of life and refuse to make waves, leaving us to dwell in an ocean of unfulfillment as our comfort.

I don't want that for myself, and I certainly don't want that for you. So I ask, what do you want? Who do you want to be? How do you want to feel? What makes you tick? And most importantly, what are you going to do about it?

These are questions that require realistic, honest reflection where the only person you need to think about is yourself. Go ahead. It's not selfishness. It's self-preservation.

I want you to allow your mind to flow freely without restriction. When you remove others from the equation and let your truth shine, the results are stunning. You will feel things you never imagined. You will discover a part of yourself you didn't know existed, an inner passion will bubble, and you won't be able to contain it.

Do yourself a favour, write the answers to the questions above, be unapologetic in the truth you reveal and give yourself the freedom to thrive in a world that would rather you to stand still.

Be Inspired!

(Photo by Ololade Masud via Pexels)


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