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Getting To Know You

Have you been told that you are hard to read or that someone is trying to figure you out? It's only in the last 2-years that I have taken offence to the comment. Before this, I simply agreed with people. I was just a tough nut to crack.

But now that I know, as I am, is enough, I am irritated by such comments because I realize it intends to place constraints around me and place me in a box that I am not designed to fit in.

Now, I'm not sure if they are merely statements or passive-aggressive digs, but the result has me annoyed because, in all honesty, what does such a comment mean? What type of response are they seeking?

"Knowing a person is like music. What attracts us to them is their melody, and as we get to know who they are, we learn their lyrics." – Unknown

In my humble opinion, merely figuring someone out and reading them rests on the surface with nowhere else to go. And I am sure if you have been in my presence or reading my blogs over the last year and a half, you will agree that I can't linger on the surface for too long because it is so painful.

And another question I have is, once you have figured someone out, what happens next? And once they are "read," what takes place? I suppose nothing. And that is where the problem resides, on the surface with nowhere else to go.

You and I are not puzzles to be solved or books to be read, and we are certainly not cadavers that need to be dissected and discovered. However, we are souls that deserve to be experienced, and only the right people in our lives will understand that and take the time to do the work to enjoy everything that is us, one beautiful and perhaps complex layer at a time.

Instant gratification is a poison that has stopped us from taking the time to truly get to know one another and learn about one another in every emotional season in our lives.

Everyone is in such a rush to get the details and move on to the next that no one invests time and energy to experience another soul, and it's not only frustrating but also sad.

The right people will be willing to invest the time and peel back the layers to uncover the soul on the inside. They are individuals who choose quality over quantity.

Our desire should not be to 'figure' people out or 'read' them; it should be to comprehend the complex nature of who they are. It's to see them and understand them, and all of these things combined lead to experiencing them.

So the next time someone says you are hard to read or they can't figure you out, don't get agitated like I did, but rather shift your mindset and do as I will be doing going forward. Nod and smile and go about your business because the right person will never utter those words but will instead approach you with a desire to experience you.

May you challenge people in your life or new souls who enter your space to refrain from wading in the comfort of shallow waters but rather dive into the depths of who you are in your fullness.

Be Inspired!

(Photo via Pexels)




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