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Finding Rest For Our Wings

Photo by @theinspiredintrovert_

This afternoon I watched this butterfly frantically hover on my balcony, and just when I thought it would find rest on a plant or flower, it found itself trapped in a corner. I watched as it continued to flail its wings in what seemed to be desperation for a few minutes, and I couldn't walk away. I was fully invested in this beautiful creature by this time because I needed to know if it would find its way or continue in its angst.

I found myself talking to this butterfly, encouraging it to relax because when you live alone, I suppose that's what you do, talk to insects, lol.

Anyway, in the midst of this, I had a thought. This butterfly represents how we can sometimes become panicked into a corner with overthinking and convince ourselves that there is no way out of our situation or how we feel.

We sometimes convince ourselves that no one cares enough to stop and ask how we are or stand over our shoulder and tell us that we need to calm down and take a deep breath because it will be ok. Instead, we flail with our eyes closed and our ears covered until we are exhausted. Finally, when we grow weary enough, we take that breath and realize we have been hovering over rest and calm but haven't placed our feet in the firm foundation of that safe place despite it being there all along.

When that butterfly finally found its rest and took advantage of it, it flew away. Gracefully flapping its wings as if nothing happened and went about its business. I love this ending and want us to have a similar one.

For the days we find ourselves frantic in a corner, thinking there isn't a way out while carrying our coveted baggage, I want us to stop and acknowledge the people who genuinely care and are willing to lighten our load.

So no matter who you are or what stage you are in life and love, the right one will always guide us along our way.

Be Inspired!


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