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Delayed Gratitude

The saying "hindsight is 20/20," is frequently used concerning a negative experience where we finally see the light. But what if we applied it to the moments in our lives that made us feel good, especially since we live in a time where there is instant gratification but delayed gratitude.

Have you ever had a flashback of the random acts of kindness others have bestowed upon you? I ask because I often do, and I admit it can sometimes be overwhelming because I tend to hoard these thoughts like a squirrel hoards food in its cheeks. Those on the receiving end of these thoughts and feelings know that I tend to express my gratitude at the most random times. Thankfully these people are in the process of learning to understand me and wouldn't expect anything less.

I say this because there are times when someone does something nice for me, and at the moment, I acknowledge the act right then and there. Other times its days, weeks or months later, and I realize how extraordinary the act was, and it deserved much more than a thank you. It deserved a how it made me feel type of conversation because no matter who you are, we all like the gentleness of words of affirmation, whether it's our love language or not.

I remember messaging someone and telling them I appreciated something they consistently do, and as I recorded the voice note, I thought, this sounds dumb, but I sent it anyway because of two things. One, it had to be acknowledged despite how uncomfortable the moment of vulnerability felt. And two, I wanted them to know that I saw them and what they do doesn't go unnoticed even if they don't see it as significant.

I suppose what matters most is taking a moment to acknowledge the intricate parts of a kind gesture and not just the end result.

Perhaps someone helps you with something. We may only see that we needed help, and they were of assistance. But what we often don't take the time to acknowledge is that they may have sacrificed sleep, time, and energy to be of service to us. This is when I have the eureka moment weeks later. And it's not that I don't appreciate the act of kindness at the time it's presented; it's that when I take the time to acknowledge it, the magnitude becomes much clearer.

If we look at our daily interactions, sometimes the text message to say hello really means, hey, I am thinking about you, without needing to use as many words. A goodnight isn't just a goodnight. It's a, I hope you had a good day, and I hope you have a good rest. A good morning is not always a good morning; it's letting them know they were one of the first thoughts they had upon waking. Perhaps we need to look beyond the words on screen and paper and acknowledge the deeper meaning behind them.

I want us to experience life and connection on a deeper level, and everything we say and do, we do it with intention. I want us to get into the habit of expressing gratitude at the moment rather than delaying it. I want us to dig deeper and be grateful not for the deed itself but the intentions and sacrifices behind them, and often, the kindness we receive from the right people in our lives comes from a pure space, and reciprocity isn't on the menu.

I'm going to share something quickly before I sign off. If my intuition leads me in the right direction, 2022 will be very different and will require movement on my part and perhaps yours. It's going to need a refined and intentionally driven version of ourselves, and maybe it all begins with having a grateful heart and telling the people in our lives who consistently show up for us how thankful we are for them. So here is to sitting in stillness in preparation for and embracing movement for however long we are required to move. I am all in! What about you?

Oh hey, one last thing. Have you bought my book Soul Talks: 52-Weeks of Inspiration? If you have, Thank you. Feel free to drop me an email or DM me on IG. I'd love to hear your thoughts and see a picture of your copy. If you haven't purchased the book, no worries, you can buy it here and here or here, just to name a few.

Alright, go live your lives and Be Inspired!

(Photo By: Jon Tyson, Unsplash)


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