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Be Reckless!

If you are an avid Chapters shopper, you know a visit is not complete until you peruse the clearance section, and I'm not sure about you, but I always manage to find a gem. Yesterday was no different, and this little black notebook was begging me to buy her, so I did, and this is where the inspiration began.

"Beauty begins the moment you decide to be yourself." Coco Chanel

I began to think about why the quote resonated with me and concluded that it spoke life despite the simplicity of the phrase. To me, it's more than nine words penned by an iconic fashionista. They are words that can catapult an individual into living with reckless abandon and can mean something different to each of us. The dictionary defines the word reckless as a lack of proper caution and careless of consequences. I want to challenge the negative connotation associated with the definition and put a different spin on it, bringing to light that being yourself is a form of reckless behaviour. Frankly, I'm here for it! I feel like I have said this before, but it requires repeating. We live in a world that pushes us to be ourselves but subtly whispers to do so in a manner that is acceptable to others. What's the point?!

I refuse to adjust who I am to fit into a mould that isn't designed for me and attempts to suffocate me. I no longer want to fit in if it means I have to lose myself in the process. If being on the outside is where one needs to reside to breathe freely, I would rather sit there with a notebook in hand and a smile on my face—happily being my authentic self! I had a conversation with someone a few months ago who told me that I undervalue what I have to offer and tend to shrink my capabilities. I didn't realize I did it until this person dragged me over the coals with example after example. Instead of walking away with my head down, I conceded, and I took it as a challenge to be me and choose me first consistently. It's liberating! Do you shrink who you are? Do you minimize your capabilities to make others comfortable? Do you dim your light so others can shine? I will virtually pat you on the back because all of that is noble, but I have two words for you. STOP IT! We all need to stop taking for granted what we bring to the table and JUST BRING IT! Bring all of it without apologizing, without explaining and without minimizing whatever it is we have.

Please do yourself a favour, choose YOU today, tomorrow, the next day and every day after that. Be you no matter the situation, and lastly, demand that others elevate to meet you where you are! Period. If that's not the start of Reckless Behaviour, I don't know what is. Be Recklessly Inspired!

(Photo by @paradiseseeker1)


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