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A Solo Traveller's Dream

Lake at Royalton Resorts Grenada

You know you are at a triple-A class Resort when it not only boasts three distinct sections of beachfront beauty but dares to have a lake. I mean, come on, Royalton Resort Grenada, a lake?!

I spent some time in the morning with my feet in my little swim-out area and watched a partially drunk and rhythmically challenged individuals attempt a morning water aerobics session. To say I laughed is an understatement. I'm still giggling as I think about it.

Anyway, overall, today was a fantastic day despite plans that fell through, but in the midst of that, I met a fellow solo traveller. Shout out to Trinidadian Canadian Michelle, who will probably never see this. Still, her noticing my most comfy Croc sandals (sexi flip) led to us chatting it up, only to realize we were staying in the same building and both on a solo adventure. This is why I am never too tied to plans and just let the chips fall where they go; you meet some pretty solid people along the way.

The only plan I did make for this week was with the help of my trusty sidekick and butler Lindon, who said it was imperative to eat at a restaurant on-site for dinner and made my reservations. Today was Indian food at Taj. The atmosphere was spectacular, and the food was beyond delicious.

As an aside, something both Michelle and I noticed when her butler thought she went m.i.a: when you are travelling solo, a good butler will make it their business to ensure you are taken care of and safe under their care. That is icing on the cake that I appreciate tremendously.

Ok, back to the food. We ate samosas with mint, mango and strawberry chutney. The mango was my favourite and created the perfect balance of sweet and savoury. The butter chicken, garlic naan and dal mahkani were all delicious. I indulged and didn't regret one bite. I was also starving and failed to take a photo of the food. LOL.

The evening entertainment was sporadic and confused me, so I can't even begin to explain what was happening. I packed it up and returned to my room, burning the calories I consumed on my walk.

Despite the mosquitos making a meal of me, I opted to sit outside and listen to the waves crash against the shore at the most rhythmic pace. I don't think this is a sound I can ever forget, nor do I want to. It tends to bring about a calm in my soul that I am thankful for. So, fellow readers, to sum up, today was unexpected, delicious, spectacular and calming for my soul.

Be Inspired!

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Nov 30, 2023
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

I’m so jealous ❤️


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